Friday, June 6, 2008

Ok, where's the complaint box for Mother Nature?

I have a complaint! It's too darn cold here! TOO COLD! TOO LONG! I really, really, really want summer to get here, and I don't mean summer as in the season summer either I mean summer WEATHER! I know that is a bit confusing with my countdown to summer ticker there but I need that for my own reassurance that summer WILL come!
We have had maybe 4 or 5 days of weather in the high 80's and I think 1 day that did make it into the 90's, (92 maybe?,) but I mean come on, it's JUNE for Heaven's sakes!
Please, I want it to get into the 90's by next week and STAY there! My girls are out for Summer Break NOT Spring Break! Michelea is still WANTING to wear her coat because it's just so cold here. She refuses to wear a jacket, she just wants to wear her coat.
Please, I want my birthday next week to be warm and sunny like it usually is, not grey, overcast, windy, chilly and with the weatherman forcasting rain. If we have rain in June we don't hear about the wind chill being 40 degrees, that's April weather not June!

Anyone else have a complaint? Maybe Mother Nature will listen up if we rally together?


Heather said...

how about we trade locations? it is so awfully HOT here. it's miserable. it's going to be a long, long summer.

Unknown said...

Sounds great to me! It gives me that excuse to take a trip down to Disney World that I've been wanting to take! :)

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