NOT Dakota! That's right, she got her button for her feeding tube taken out yesterday! YAY! It's been there for 3 1/2 years but it's finally gone!
We were at the Dr's office and the hospital litterally ALL DAY but it was sooooo worth going to the appointment at 11:30 am, waiting in the waiting room for 1 1/2 hours then another 30 min in the exam room, another 30 min in the waiting room for the orders to have the surgery for the button removal, (she had to be sedated so she had to go to the Pediatric ICU) and another 1 hr and 15 min to have the Dr come in and take the button out and we finally left at 4 pm, but who cares, we won't ever have to go back to that Dr. and wait in the office again!
The button was out in a matter of 1 sec, that's all it took just a hard tug, one or two screams, a few more tears, and lots of hugs from mommy. Thanks to a wonderful drug called Versed she won't remember a thing! Jeremy and I had a good time laughing with her before the Dr. came because it made her REALLY loopy and she was really enjoying it!
The wound is closing very quickly and it looks as though she will have another 'inny' belly button. She is facinated by the sounds that the hole in her tummy is making and she has discovered that if she distends her tummy it will make a umm 'farting' sound, and she quickly blames it on daddy or whoever happens to be around. Silly girl, ya gotta love her!
Hello, it's me. . .
9 years ago
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