Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm sure all you mom's know the script

You know, at breakfast? You're fixing breakfast, it can be cold cereal, hot cereal, pancakes, eggs and bacon or even french toast or maybe something totally different and one or more of your kids start asking for something or like mine they'll just start making noise. (insert rolling eyes smiley here)

This was the script this morning as I was fixing French Toast, bacon and cheesy eggs:

Michelea: MOM! Dakota hit me!(Dakota laughing in the background)
Me: She didn't hit you she patted you so quit tattling cuz it's not gonna get you anywhere.
Michelea: MOM! Dakota patted me!
Me: What did I just say?
Michelea: No tattling.
Me: That's right.

Silence for about 30 seconds....AHHHHH!

Michelea:WOOT! WOOT!
Dakota: WOOT! WOOT!
Me: Girls, please stop acting like monkeys.
Michelea:WOOT! WOOT!
Dakota: WOOT! WOOT!
(Hysterical laughing from the girls)

Silence for about 15 seconds while I butter the french toast.

Michelea: Mom, were hungry.
Me: Well I'm getting your breakfast ready right now so hold on.
Michelea: Oh good!
Dakota: MOM! NANA! NANA! NANA! (this is Dakota's word for food)
Me: Dakota, let's use your words. Say "food please."
Dakota: NO! NANA!
Me: Say, "food please"
Dakota: "Please, please"
Me: "Food please"
Dakota: "Food please"
Me: OK! Here you go! :)
Michelea: Mom! I don't want bacon!
Me: Well give it to Dakota then
Michelea: Mom, I can't eat it without a fork.
Me: Well then get a fork.

30 second Silence

Michelea: Mom, I need a fork!
Me: Well, get a big fork for you and a small fork for Dakota then.
Michelea: But I want a small fork like Dakota.
Me: Fine. Get a fork like I told you.

20 second Silence

Michelea: Mom, I need something to drink!
Me: I'm busy cooking, you can wait.
Dakota: Mom! Bunga! (this is Dakota's word for drink, not sure where she got it because she used to say water.)
Me: Dakota, you wait too.
Michelea: Mom I need some milk.
Me: Wait or you won't get any at all, better yet get some water yourself.

30 second Silence

Michelea: Mom, where's my eggs?
Me: They're cooking start eating your french toast.
Michelea: But, mom!
Me: Eat it or you won't have breakfast at all. (this is NOT an empty threat!)
Michelea: But...
Me: Eat!
Michelea: But we need to say the blessing on the food first!
Me: Okay your right, sorry I got busy let's get dad in here, (yes, Jeremy has been home this WHOLE time ,) and he can say it with us.
Michelea: Okay, dad can say it this time, it's his turn!
Me: Okay that sounds good, just let me finish up cooking the eggs and then daddy can say the blessing.

Jeremy comes in and says the blessing on the food and then gets his breakfast.

As Jeremy looks at the two plates of french toast BOTH with two pieces of bacon and 2pieces of french toast asks:

Jeremy: So which one is mine?
Me: Here have some eggs.
Jeremy: Oh.
Me: I need to get the girls something to drink, they've been screaming for something for 10 min. or haven't you heard?
Jeremy: I thought you got them something already.
Me: Just take your eggs.

Notice how most everytime Michelea and Dakota asked for something it always started with "Mom"

It never ends.....

Friday, June 20, 2008

A is for A beautiful Summer day!

Yep that's right today is the first day of summer, the longest day of the year and what a beautiful day it will be! It is forcast to be 91 degrees here! YAY! Finally after having Spring weather last all throughout May and into June we finally had our first taste of Summer weather arrive last weekend! It's not too hot, only into the high 80's - low 90's, well below the high 90's - 100 degree weather that we usually experience in late June throughout the rest of the Summer!
I'll be mowing the lawn this morning since Jeremy has been busy after work and has a Father/son, or should I say Father/son-less, camp-out with the Ward tonight.
I'm thinking that Michelea and I will be taking a ride down to Target to buy a sprinkler so that she can run through it today.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Chocolate Oracle

So what does chocolate say about you? It says a lot about me that's for sure!

What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You

You are unique, creative, and fascinating.

You don't do what's expected of you.

You go for what's unknown and uncharted.

You are emotionally expressive and sensitive.

You're effected by everything around you.

Your friends appreciate your open heart, but they are afraid of hurting your feelings.

You love to be the center of attention. You enjoy entertaining your friends.

You feel lost when no one is interested in you... You're too interesting to be ignored.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What I did on my summer vacation.....

By Michelea Fielding

Nuf said?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fishing anyone?

Well Michelea and Jeremy took the day yesterday to go fishing with Jeremy's bother David and three of his kids, Sierra 9, Brody 7, and Coltin 6 over at Settlers Park in Meridian. They had lots of fun and Sierra even caught a fish! Too small to keep though and it had to be put back to grow a few more years! :)
Michelea had a great time along with the other kids and Jeremy got a little bit of practice with his fly rod, not much though, the wind wasn't helping out too much and there's only so much you can do with a fly rod in a pond.

Here is a nice video montage that Jeremy put together today of the pics he took. No pics of him though since he was the one behind the camera. :(

Friday, June 6, 2008

Ok, where's the complaint box for Mother Nature?

I have a complaint! It's too darn cold here! TOO COLD! TOO LONG! I really, really, really want summer to get here, and I don't mean summer as in the season summer either I mean summer WEATHER! I know that is a bit confusing with my countdown to summer ticker there but I need that for my own reassurance that summer WILL come!
We have had maybe 4 or 5 days of weather in the high 80's and I think 1 day that did make it into the 90's, (92 maybe?,) but I mean come on, it's JUNE for Heaven's sakes!
Please, I want it to get into the 90's by next week and STAY there! My girls are out for Summer Break NOT Spring Break! Michelea is still WANTING to wear her coat because it's just so cold here. She refuses to wear a jacket, she just wants to wear her coat.
Please, I want my birthday next week to be warm and sunny like it usually is, not grey, overcast, windy, chilly and with the weatherman forcasting rain. If we have rain in June we don't hear about the wind chill being 40 degrees, that's April weather not June!

Anyone else have a complaint? Maybe Mother Nature will listen up if we rally together?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Need something to celebrate today?

It's June 6th, it doughnut day today! Go get yourself a FREE Krispy Kreme!

0 Grams Trans fat 100% Sugar!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

If you haven't figured it out yet....

I'm a shutterbug, (what mom with a camera isn't?) and I'm always behind the camera and I have a gazillion pictures saved on my computer, if not more. All of them are undeveloped and I NEED some pictures to fill the photo frames that I have purchased this spring! What about Shutterfly, Snapfish or Heaven forbid Wal-mart photos? Well I'm cheap, even when it comes to photos of my family. How will I solve this problem you ask? Well I'll tell you how...! Right now they are having a FANTABULOUS offer going on where you can get 200 FREE 4"x6" prints and then you can earn 200 MORE FREE prints (5"x7") by referring friends! AND that's not all! You can also get a FREE 8"x8" photo book, (coming soon!) WOW! Ya can't beat that! They've also got some special discount offers going on that are too good to pass up!
Here are the special discount offers:
Coupon Code
D15S25 - $15 off a $25 purchase for all non prints items 05/16/08-07/16/08
D50OFF - 50% off for all non prints items 05/12/08-08/20/08
MPD588 - Custom Mousepad $5.88/ea, free shipping 05/15/08-12/31/08
WTH688 - Custom Watch $6.88/ea, free shipping 04/19/08-07/15/08
D12X18 - $14.99 for 10pcs 12x18 prints, free shipping 04/01/08-06/30/08
PPC588 - $5.88 for a deck of photo playing card,free shipping 04/01/08-05/31/08

I'm going to go get my FREE pictures and take advantage of some of those great discounts, especially with Father's day coming up!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Last night was Michelea's first t-ball game of the season! It's the second year she has played and she enjoyed it but Jeremy and I are thinking that maybe we should have put her in coach pitch because it just seems 'too easy' for her so early on in the season. She does really like it though so that is good!
Here are just a few pics of the first game.
Before the game!

Batter up!

What a hit!

Safe on 2nd!

What a goof!

Waiting for a runner!

Ya gotta have fans!

She has many more games this month, 2 times a week in fact and I am hoping and praying that the weather around here will decide to warm up to at least the mid 80s
and for Heaven's sakes QUIT RAINING so that we can have some nice weather for summer!

Monday, June 2, 2008

"Brandi needs"

I stole this from Heather who stole this from Stephanie who stole it from someone else. It pretty funny and very easy! All you do is google your name and the word needs, both surrounded in quotations. I googled "Brandi needs" and this is what I got:

Brandi needs a home!

Brandi needs your positive vibes Community Support.

Brandi needs to get thyself to a counselor, clergyperson or at least someone who will tell her honestly that she herself has created this mess! ...

Brandi Needs Drinks.

Sounds to me like Brandi needs to disappear into the woodwork again -- or maybe she just needs a restraining order.

Brandi needs to be encouraged to continue her basketball skills

Brandi needs a permanent family who will be involved in her therapy

Wow... by the looks of things, Brandi needs her own cruise

Brandi needs money so she can bless others in Uganda!

Brandi Needs ... daily medication.

Brandi needs to turn 1 more or gain 10 more Zombie points to reach the next level: ... Brandi has no Zombie underlings... Brandi needs to bite some chumps.
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